a bit about me

read if ur bored

a bit about me

I figured it'd be nice to record a bit about myself, so future me can look back and see if I've changed. So here goes!

What I want out of life

  1. Love, just like everyone else.
  2. To change how people think about something. It can be small. But ideally it's meaningful and makes the world a better place.
  3. Great stories to tell. This means gravitating towards being different. It also means experiencing the full range of human emotions, whether they're good or bad.

What excites me

  1. When the meta is broken. I love the middle finger towards the status quo, the underdog coming out on top, and also the chaos that ensues.
  2. Outstanding effort. It's inspiring when someone shows you how you could've tried harder, whether it's through more attention to detail or steel-like determination.

People I get along with best...

  1. Are a bit silly and stupid sometimes, so that I can be too.
  2. See the worst in actions but the best in people. I think that we all do a lot of bad things but that doesn't make us bad people.
  3. Laugh at things even if they're not that funny. LOL